Kate Bohan is a Chinese-American writer and director. She wrote and directed the short film Kayla’s World (2016), which won her Best Screenplay Award and serval Best Director Awards in different film festivals. Her debut feature film Kayla (2019) that she also wrote and directed, received multi-awards and national recognition from a numbers of prestigious film festivals and competitions for her outstanding screenwriting and directing skills. ”Harper ”will be her second feature film project she also serves as the writer, director, and producer.
Do you prefer Comedy or Drama?
Comedy, because I love to laugh.
Life imitates Art or Art imitates Life?
Both and neither. A life imagined is like a masterpiece painting. A life lived is like leaving that painting out in stormy weather. Over time it gets warped, worn and torn but if you look closely, it’s still beautiful, just not what you thought it would be.
Which is the best Moment on set?
Every morning after the crew has set up and the actors are ready. The first clack of the clapperboard is like music to my ears.
Did anyone ever tell you weren't good enough?
Yes, many times. For example, in the film I just finished called, “Harper”, a few crew people continue to give me resistance and criticism. There will always be negative people around who will tell you, “That won’t work” or “You’re not good enough”. I try to ignore them unless they have constructive suggestions. People don't listen to the words of fools and successful people never give up.
How can you stay focused on your goal?
First pick a goal that you are passionate about. Think about it all day long, every day. Wake up in the morning thinking about it and go to bed each night with it on your mind until it becomes a burning desire. Once your goal becomes part of who you are, nothing can stop you from achieving it.
Have you ever had a breakdown because of your Job?
All the time. I just get back up and brush myself off and keep going.
Talent is a blessing or a curse?
Both and neither. It is what it is. You can choose to use it or ignore it. Use it for good or use it for evil. I choose to use my talents for good.
What would you like to improve about yourself as a director?
Everything, in every way. I’m always learning and growing and trying to improve every day.
What's the worst critic you have received?
I am always my worst critic.
If you weren't a director what would you like to be?
That’s a tough question. It’s like asking a fish what it would do on land.
If Cinema was a color what would it be?
Violet - Majestic, mysterious and passionate.
A day without a movie is...
Like being in a coma.
If someone offered you to direct a movie that you despise but that for sure will make you rich and famous...would you accept the job?
No. Without love and passion there is no fulfillment.
What's your greatest ambition?
To be appreciated, respected and loved.
What's your biggest fear?
Does music help you to direct?
Music is my muse. Music links my subconscious to my conscious mind.
You have the chance to make a Silent movie, what's your message to the audience?
Listen. Even silence carries a message.
Share your speech if you should win an Oscar.....
Thank you. This means a great deal to me. I am forever grateful to the members of the Academy. I would also like to thank my friends and family and all the people that supported me and helped me make this film great. I love you all and stand on your shoulders. And of course, thank you to the audience and people around the world who share my love of film. Without you none of this would be possible.
What is your motto?
“I can do it”